隨著 Dreamhost 在台灣的用戶愈來愈多之後,國內罵 Dreamhost 的人也愈來愈多了。由於 Lifetype 無預警的被 Dreamhost 關閉,Mark 目前看起來正在氣頭上,另外熱心的網友「喬」來信提供了 Dreamhost 安全性的問題:
連上發現 Dreamhost 有個 bug,讓人可以輕易的存取其他人的網站目錄。
但是每個使用者下都有一個 logs 目錄,裡面就有網域的名稱。
因此有心人就可以從 logs 下找到使用者的網站目錄,然後進到網站目錄下,
如果說使用者檔案沒有加密或設定檔案權限,其他人就可以利用 cat 等指令就看到檔案資訊。發現這個問題後我馬上修改我的 blog 的 php 檔案屬性成 400,但網站馬上掛掉,因為 Apache 無法開啟 php 檔。
因此去函 Dreamhost 請他們提供解決方案。後來他們有做過調整,讓檔案屬性是 o-r 的 php 檔也可以正常執行。
而我認為 Dreamhost 也不可能在短期內把使用者目錄下的 logs 拿掉,讓人無法從 logs 目錄下取得網域名稱。
因此要在 Dreamhost 上架站最好把檔案屬性設成 o-r,或是加密。告訴你這件事,一方面請你提高警覺,免得 MySQL 帳號、密碼被人用上述的方式得知,而遭人侵入。
另一方面想請你在 blog 上提出這個警告,讓其他在 Dreamhost 上架站的人有所警覺。
除了「喬」提供的這個安全性問題之外,Dreamhost 另外還有一個嚴重的 PHP 安全性漏洞,我在申租的時候也跟 Dreamhost 反應過,不過 Dreamhost 雖然說會處理,但是實際上一直都沒有處理。看起來 Dreamhost 的促銷真的有點過火了,使用者爆增的結果,服務的品質有不斷下降的趨勢,如果真的要租用 Dreamhost 還是多考慮一下吧,如果不跑程式,當下載用的伺服器倒是不錯的選擇。
12 comments On 申購 Dreamhost 前請注意
抱歉,這二家我都沒用過,可以建議你去 TWFTP 看看:
我最近也打算把公司網站搬回台灣主機, 目前考慮
試試 phpsysinfo 吧:
CARE!! Dreamhost is stealling domain name!!!
See my experience:
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, you wrote:
> Hello, I am trying to transfer my domain name XXXX.com to another
> register, it request the authorization code provided by
Dreamhost.com, but I
> can not find it in my account, please advise, thank you.
This account was closed for suspected fraud. We will not be able to
release the domain registration.
– DreamHost Abuse/Security Team
– Terms of Service: http://www.dreamhost.com/tos.html
– Anti-Spam Policy: http://www.dreamhost.com/spam.html
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, you wrote:
> Hello, I know my account was closed for some reason, but I don’t knwo
what is
> the “suspected fraud” mean, anyway if you feel uncomfortable to
provide me
> service it’s fine, I just want my domain name back, I NEED MY DOMAIN
> BACK, why you hold my domain name??? It’s not reasonable, the domain
name was
> registered under my name and now you just steal it from me??? Further
more I
> did not find any infomation about “service termination” in you terms
> conditions stats that you will hold my domain name under such
> otherwise I even won’t register with you guys. I really need talk to
> who can take care of this matter, and I can not find a phone number
on your
> website, please advise, thank you for all your help.
“Suspected fraud” means we suspect your account was signed up using a
stolen credit card.
If you would like to contest this, please fax me US state photo ID,
another form of ID, both displaying the name and address information
signed up with:
Jerry XXX
84372-2 XXX XXXXX
Killeen, TX 76544, US
Write “ATTN: KARL” at the top of the fax.
The fax number is: 213-624-1143
– DreamHost Abuse/Security Team
– Terms of Service: http://www.dreamhost.com/tos.html
– Anti-Spam Policy: http://www.dreamhost.com/spam.html
On Tue, 19 Jun 2007, you wrote:
> Hello, thanks for your reply, I am not US residents, I am Chinese, I
> with my US address because I was studing in US when I hosting my
website on
> dreamhost, but the credit card has no problem, I can fax you the copy
of both
> sides of the credit card, the monthly statement and my Chinese ID
card, does
> this help? I need the last four digts of the card number to help me
> which card I used to signed up, but I promise I never use a fraud
card, and I
> do need my domain name back, please help, thank you!!
No. We will need to see your US ID in the name of “Jerry Smith” with
address you gave us when signing up. If this information is false, you
committed fraud, which simply supports the reason your account was
disabled in the first place.
– DreamHost Abuse/Security Team
– Terms of Service: http://www.dreamhost.com/tos.html
– Anti-Spam Policy: http://www.dreamhost.com/spam.html
Hello, but you said it’s about my credit card, right? So now I can prove that I am the card holder, then what’s the matter, what fraut is this? And what’s this related to getting my domain name back?? I use my english name register several domanain never have problem, I am not US resident, I dont have a US ID card, you never ask I have to use my name on the ID card to singe up, but all my Credit card info is correct, including holder’s name, and billing address, and I don’t think this will be the excuse that you steal my domain name from me, it’s not logical. I pay you guys to register the domain name but not pay you to check all my privacy, the credit card payment via google checkout has no problem, I did not do any fraut, you refund my money by yourself and now I lose my ownership of my domain name, what a hell is this?? Do you get an phone cal that I can talk to some supervisor please, I want resolve this problem as soon as possible, thank you.
Then NEVER REPLIED……….I just feel my domainame will never come back, is it fair????
真是強人啊, 一個比一個厲害。